Home Services for the Elderly Programs

How Can You Help....
By supporting this fundraising event, you will be helping older adults assess needed home care receive basic services to support their desires to live independently.

The Home Services for the Elderly caters to the needs of older adults by offering assistance in the following areas:

Remaining in one’s own home is a more satisfying alternative to institutionalization for some elderly people. It is also more economical and practical. For those less able to perform certain household duties for themselves, the fear of being placed elsewhere is ever present. Home Services helps older adults get help with basic household tasks.

Homemaking Services
Frequently, the ability to perform personal tasks such as dressing and tub baths can make the difference between independent living and the need for a senior’s residence. Likewise, finding and keeping receipts and paying bills on time are essential activities in managing a household. Home Services provides assistance with these tasks.

Heavy Duty Cleaning
For big tasks like moving furniture; shampooing carpets; cleaning blinds, drapes, windows and walls older adults often need extra help to maintain their own homes. Home Services provides assistance with these tasks.

Home Delivered Meals
When older adults are unable to follow proper nutritious diets, hot delivered meals are a neccesity. These meals are delivered five days per weeks and strictly adhere to dietary requirements.

Social Adult Day Services
Social Adult Day Services offer more than what is typically offered at a senior center. Case mangers arrange for older adults to participate in programs activities including: safe indoor activities, outings and day trips, music and art therapy, delicious meals, social opportunities and bathing services.

Referral Services
Case managers make referrals on behalf of clients to service providers who can best meet the needs of older adults. Case managers at Home Services stay in touch with their clients even after they are referred to outside agencies.